I'm so excited about this podcast episode. Why? Because it marks the beginning of a new direction for Become A Blogger and Learning With Leslie. That new direction is the coming together of both brands.
I got rid of my Learning With Leslie Blog and brought it all under Become A Blogger with a renewed focus of providing you with even more value.
Listen to This Episode
[smart_track_player url=”https://soundcloud.com/learningwithleslie/079-a-new-direction-for-become” title=”079 A New Direction For Become A Blogger And Learning With Leslie” background=”default” ]
So, I'd like for you to watch the following video and then Click play above. When you do that, you'll get an insight into a lot of the changes that have been happening behind the scenes that I'm super excited to share with you.
Now for the details of this podcast episode . . .
First, I play and respond to feedback from Matt, from FitDeskJockey.com on how he was able to land a guest post. Guest posting is something I highly recommend for growing your blog audience and getting more traffic to your blog. Matt was able to not only do a guest post, but he went the extra mile of making a VIDEO guest post. Go ahead and check out his guest video on How To Do Pull Ups.We all know how much I love video!
Then, I get into the following details:
- Why I decided to get rid of my Learning With Leslie Blog and merge it with Become A Blogger
- The importance of narrowing your focus and what Physics teaches us about this concept
- What this merger means for YOU.
- What you can expect over the next month (you want to know this)
Lastly, I pose the following question to you:
What is the important thing in your business that you are going to spend most of your energy focusing on?
I'd love to hear your answer. You can leave your answer below.
Also, if you have any questions, comments or suggestions, feel free to call the hotline @ (888) 835 – 2414.
Resources Mentioned