I remember when I was younger and I would spend my afternoons hanging out with my friends down the road.
That’s the generic Caribbean term that could mean anywhere on your island.
So we would all get together on our bikes ride around, chill out, talk about girls, do foolishness and just waste time.
Here’s what was interesting – the more I spent time with them, the more I started speaking like them, doing the things they were doing and not doing the things they weren’t doing.
Of course, this can be good or bad depending on the friends.
When I hung around people who were partying like crazy, all of a sudden, I wanted to party like crazy and that’s exactly what I did.
When I hung around people who were very much into Bible Study and enriching their spiritual lives, all of a sudden, I started caring more about Bible study and my spiritual life.
A few months ago, I joined a mastermind group with some of the best marketers I know.
These guys are upstanding and very successful guys who think differently from most of the people I’ve encountered throughout my relatively short lifetime.
We get together every week and share what we’re doing while getting input from the other members of the group.
As a result of that group, the way I look business and life in general has changed dramatically and I’m a better person for it.
Here’s the truth:
By beholding you become changed
If you show me the people you spend the most time with on a regular basis, you will be showing me a lot about yourself.
If the people in your inner circle are always negative and getting into trouble, regardless of how upstanding of a person you are, you WILL be affected. And you’ll probably be wondering why you’re always down, or why nothing positive ever happens to you.
And if the people in your inner circle are positive and uplifting, you WILL be affected. If they are constantly pushing you to be the best you can be, chances are, you’re becoming a better person.
So my question for you is simple – who are you allowing into your inner circle? Think about it.