Are you a blogger?
Do you find yourself glued to a computer for hours without end?
Are your social relationships being strained as a result?
Are you not reaching your full potential despite working REALLY, REALLY hard?
Listen to This Episode
Have I got the podcast episode for you. Yep, we're stepping OUTSIDE of our blogs and interfacing with the REAL WORLD today.

I decided to do something a bit different – to talk about “non-blogging things”, but here's the twist – these “non-blogging things” can actually help your blog grow.
The great thing is that they won't only help your blog. They'll also help your overall quality of life – now that's some serious bang for your buck.
Also, they will keep you from going insane 🙂
- I'm back from Colombia, but going back in 2 days. Because of this, there may or may not be an episode next week. Thank you for your patience as my family deals with medical issues.
- I will be speaking at the Savvy Blogging Summit in Cincinnati, Ohio. The dates are June 20-22. If you live in the Cincinnati area, or can make it out there for a meetup, let me know in the comments below.
Listener Questions
- Kathy Strahan from Learn Body Works called in to ask about adsense. Her account was banned and she wants to open a new account in her husband name, but wanted to know if she would run into any problems by using her same site.
- Lucy Jennings called in to ask me about my impressions of Feedblitz, the feedburner alternative that I recently started using.
- Tumi, from Nigeria, called in to ask me about the WordPress theme I use on my Biology Blog.
If you have questions for me to answer on the podcast, feel free to call the hotline at (888) 835 – 2414.
10 Things To Do Outside Of Blogging
This is the main content of the episode, where I go into detail about the following 10 Things:
- Attend conferences related to your niche
- Go to meetups
- Go to events
- Connect with people on Skype
- Use social media to deepen connections
- Mastermind groups
- Taking classes
- Reading books or listening to audiobooks
- Do random fun stuff
- Relax and take a break.
These 10 things, if done well, can really help what you do online, as well as in your personal and professional life. So in this episode, I try to dissect each of them, by giving you examples of how I've done them to grow what I'm currently doing.
Some people prefer to read along with the podcast episode. Others actually prefer to read than listen. If you are one of those people, not to worry. I’ve got a transcript right here for you
Click here to download transcript.
Resources Mentioned
- Savvy Blogging Summit – The conference I'm speaking at in Cincinnati Ohio from June 20-21
- Google Adsense Sandbox – Checks to see if your blog/website was banned by Google Adsense
- Feedblitz – The feedburner alternative
- Detube – The WordPress theme I use for my Interactive Biology Blog
- – The place to find meetups in your niche
- Skype – great tool for connecting with people all over the world (personally and professionally)
- Audible – Where I get my audiobooks. Highly recommended