The ONLY Overwhelm-Free Membership Program With Built-In Personal Coaching for Beginner and Intermediate Bloggers Who Are Serious About Increasing Traffic, Making Money, Creating Value
Doing it All
Being Chained to Their Laptop

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Do the blogging conversations, in your head and with your friends, look something like this?
"What's the point of blogging consistently if no one is ever going to read my posts? It's like talking to myself and it's not a nice feeling at all!"
"My family thinks I should give up this professional blogging thing and get a real job. It's been close to a year now and I've yet to see any revenue come in. I think they may be right."
"Is there some sort of "secret handshake" that big-ticket bloggers have that helps them get those sponsorships and ad revenue? I don't know what I'm missing but I've been blogging for a couple of years now and have just a few hundred subscribers to show for it and no money in the bank."

"Coming up with interesting content on a consistent basis is what I find most difficult. A few posts aren’t difficult. Doing it week-after-week is tough. Writing content that gets readers to subscribe? Even harder!"
"I'm just overwhelmed.
I've been trying to start and grow this blog while working a full-time job and raising my two kids. I spend hours after work and the kids' bedtime to look for answers to my questions and then, more hours on the weekend to try and implement what I'm learning and it's just way too much. It's like a many-headed monster. Each time I slay one head, another crops up!"
"I know you need to invest in your learning and trust me... I've invested. I've bought courses, eBooks and even, paid for a blog mentor.
Only to realize that blogging is an ongoing thing and my questions keep coming up long after the mentoring or course is over. Since I'm not making anything from my blog right now, continuing to sign up for course after course isn't an option for me!"
FACT: Blogging is tough. Period.
As attractive as the idea of raking in $$$s sitting at home, in your PJs, popping out a blog post every day (or week) sounds, the reality is that millions of blogs die a lonely death sooner rather than later.

Harsh but true.
The reason?
Blogging is so much more than just cranking out a blog post.
**Thaaaat's right!**
Blogging is about strategy, marketing, visibility, lead gen, monetization and of course, mindset.
Blogging is about showing up and putting in the work even when you don't see the money.
Blogging is about thinking out of the box while speeding up the steep learning curve.
Don't believe me though... take a look at these numbers.
60% of marketers create at least one blog or content piece per day

Source: eMarketer
86% of consumers today
are banner / ad blind

Source: eMarketer
The average blog post takes 3 hours 16 minutes to write

Source: eMarketer
How can you stand out when 60% marketers are churning out one blog post a day?
How can you find those 3 hours+ to write while juggling work, family and some semblance of a normal life?
How can you make money when 86% of your readers aren't even seeing those sidebar ads you've slapped on?
Yes, it isn't surprising why an alarmingly high number of blogs start and shut shop
Luckily for you...
You don't have to be in that shockingly large segment of here-today, gone-tomorrow blogs.
You don’t have to type-till-your-fingers-threaten-to-drop to create that one post a day.
You don’t have to spend 180 minutes on a single post.
And I’ll show you exactly how without doing ALL of those things you CAN have a profitable blog!
Presenting... The Become a Blogger Coaching Club
Introducing... the only blog coaching club that gives you the power-mover advantage of personal coaching with the budget-friendly appeal of a membership site.
Serious bloggers need:
1) Clarity
2) Custom-Crafted "Take Action" Advice
3) Community.
The Become a Blogger Coaching Club gives you ALL three.

When you step inside this (virtual) blog coaching club, you find:
The Become a Blogger University
The heart of this coaching club, the Become a Blogger University membership site is pre-loaded with 13 easy-to-digest video courses that show you everything you need to know to go from blogging newbie to professional blogger.
Each course is tailored to your goals - foundational first steps, traffic generation or visibility, revenue generation or business building and productivity.
In addition, there are video tutorials, checklists and MORE...

The BEST part is that these trainings will eliminate the late-night dates with Google and the chronic overwhelm that's taken over your life. Yes, your family will be very happy!
Members-Only Coaching Community
Now... this is where it gets really interesting.
Other course Facebook groups quickly become either pitch fests with members pitching other members, un-moderated forums with members fending for themselves with no access to the course creator OR they turn into ghost towns with neither the course creator nor students participating actively.
Yeah, I've seen this too.
That's why with Become a Blogger Coaching Club you get a Facebook community that's hopping with helpful folks, including myself.

We have a "No Question Unanswered" policy which means you'll get tailored-for-you tips and insights from me and other members.
Every question (that’s right... E-V-E-R-Y question!) will get a VIDEO response from me, personally! I will get on video to answer your question or create a tailor-made tutorial for your blogging challenge!
Here's some example answers to questions asked in the coaching club...
Live Group Coaching Calls, Twice a Month
Unlike other membership coaching programs, we wouldn't shove you into the deep end and let you figure out how to swim through all the trainings and courses. Uh-huh!
EVERY MONTH, we'll meet TWICE a month for a LIVE group coaching call where you will get direct, one-on-one, access to me. You can ask questions, brainstorm, share a win or simply, support others who're on the same journey as you.

There's SO much gold going down on these calls!
AND... get this:
There is an easy-search archive of ALL group coaching calls held till now. What’s cooler is that you can start typing any topic and instantly get a popup with suggestions of all questions that have been ever asked on that topic!
If you have a question that has been asked in the four years since I started the Club, you can go directly to the video answer to that question without wasting a single second!

Never again will you have to wade through a training library unguided and feeling even more overwhelmed or worse... be directed to a "team member" or "community manager" for answers to your questions!
Here's what our members have to say about the Coaching Club

“Before joining Leslie in the Coaching Club, I was blogging in a very unorganized way.
My website wasn't optimized properly and I didn't even know it. All I did know was that I wasn't seeing results but I had no clue how to fix it.
In the Coaching Club, you are invited to ask any question that comes to mind.
And that means that nothing you say will be looked down on or laughed at. Leslie fosters a supportive community and has a down-to-earth way of explaining complex problems. What if you need visual aids? I know I often do! Leslie will show you step by step exactly the way to get it done.
Regarding operations that were too complex or techy for me to understand or even write down, Leslie's over the shoulder videos clarified and simplified the methods so even I could accomplish them.
I didn't have to hire someone to do these things. I could do it myself.”
Angie Hernandez
"Leslie is not only extremely knowledgeable about the nuts and bolts of blogging, he understands the nuances of marketing to complex audiences. He can help online influencers with almost any obstacle.
He's incredibly patient and he really takes his time with each and every member."
Monica Pruett

“When starting your own blog you have a lot of questions. Some are high level, and some are quite detailed.
My problem was that I was wasting so much time looking for that simple answer.
I have a full-time job, a blog, and a side-gig... so I really don't have time to research all my blog related questions. With the Coaching Club I am able to save a great deal of time because I can ask Leslie the question, and he does all the work for me.
Through the coaching club I have found answers so much faster than sifting through YouTube, Google, and Podcasts. Those things are great for idea generation, but for the answers I need now, I really prefer to just be able to ask a successful blogger directly.”
C.J. Cato
Wondering... Who the Heck is This "Leslie" Guy? And Why Should I Listen to Him?
Hey there! I'm Leslie. Leslie Samuel.
Here's what you need to know about me...

I love THREE things:
1. My family.
2. Teaching.
3. Blogging.
... blogging is what helped me land a job as University professor in a doctoral program even though I had no PhD.
... blogging is what helped me quit that job and create a financially stable and much happier life for my family.
... blogging is what I teach day-in, day-out at the Become a Blogger site.
Yes, I've earned my blogging stripes, for sure.
See... here's the thing.
I'm a former high school teacher turned University professor who's skilled at breaking down even the most complex concepts so you can understand them quickly and easily.
In addition, as Director of Training at Social Media Examiner, I make sure that marketers get the training they need to stay at the leading edge of social media marketing.
Combine that with the fact that I'm always tuned in to the blogging landscape which means I know what's working right NOW.
That's why it's not surprising that my one-on-one coaching clients have doubled, tripled and even, quadrupled their income within a few months. Not years, months!
Yes, I know what I'm doing and why I'm doing it.
Blogging changed my life.
It's time it changed yours.

“There are very few people on the planet that can teach blogging with the passion and depth that Leslie Samuel can. If you want to be successful as a blogger, study under his wisdom."
Michael Stelzner
- CEO of Social Media Examiner
"I have been in the blogging game for 9+ years now and have seen a ton of programs and products. I recommend Leslie's training to all my clients and customers because I've seen firsthand what he has put together and it works. Leslie teaches you how to approach blogging with both a passion mindset and a business savvy and that's the combination you need to make it a success."
Farnoosh Brock
- CEO and Founder of Prolific Living

"It’s not often that you meet someone who is good at both the technical stuff, as well as teaching about it. And it’s incredibly rare to find someone who is just EXCELLENT at both these things. And that someone is Leslie Samuel. I’ve watched him grow over several years now, and today his training is truly the best you can find on the topic of blogging."-
Gideon Shalwick
- Co-founder of Veeroll

You're Protected.
By My No-Nonsense, Guilt-Free Guarantee.
Get carefully tailored-for-you inputs, exceptional programs and new ideas to experience exponential success with your blog OR your money back.
You have a full 30-day money-back guarantee that protects you as you test out the strategies inside the members' area, get LIVE coaching from me and enjoy the laser-focused support your fellow bloggers extend at all times.
If you're not satisfied, email my team and we'll give you your money back, no guilt-tripping questions asked!
Go from overwhelmed, stuck and still-not-making-money blogger to oozing
confidence and creating an impact for as little as $1.50/day.
It's Time to Send That "Get a Real Job" Advice Packing Today
Imagine this...
You have zero overwhelm and the continued support of a community who cheers you on as you cross milestone after milestone.
You wake up every day to an inbox filled with gushing emails from readers, invitations to collaborate with industry leaders and...
.... make-your-wallet-grin PayPal notifications of payouts being fulfilled by sponsors, affiliates and your own product sales.

You enjoy a work-life balance that you only read about and envied so far.
No longer do you spend hours with your eyes glued to the laptop screen, achy fingers furiously typing "How do I add an opt-in form to my sidebar?" or "How to customize my WordPress theme?" only to end up deep inside a rabbit hole of results, sinking in a swamp of info that Google spews.
You don't avoid Uncle Jim at the annual family dinner when he asks you, "When are you going to get a real job?" You look him in the eye, smile charmingly and tell him that your blog made more money in 6 months than cousin Rick made in a year.
Yes, you can have all of this and then some.
Your Become a Blogger Coaching Club membership gives you the clarity and confidence you need to launch and grow your blog.
You turn it into a business that creates an impact on the lives of others and also brings in an income for you.
Why the Become a Blogger Coaching Club Knocks It Outta the Park
Unlike other blog coaching programs, the Become a Blogger Coaching Club is a fascinating hybrid that brings personal coaching and training courses to your fingertips.
But I want you to make an intelligent and fully-informed decision, so review the info below to see why there is nothing like the Become a Blogger Coaching Club out there at this "keep-money-in-your-pocket" price point!
Become a Blogger Coaching Club | Other Blog Membership Programs |

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

What my Clients Say
Smart Bloggers Asked These Questions... Before Saying "YES!"
Do I need to have a blog topic chosen already before signing up?
Is the club for beginner bloggers or for those who've been blogging for a while?
Do I get direct access to Leslie?
What if I can’t make it to the live coaching calls?
What if I don’t understand something and have a question?
Can I cancel at any time?

"I was struggling with building a community around my blog, in particular setting up a blogging calendar and using YouTube and video marketing to grow my audience.
I really appreciate Leslie's valuable and constant support in the long and challenging journey of setting up an online business, as well as the unique experience and the resource richness of the Coaching Club.
As a digital solopreneur, I've gained and learned how to put together and prioritize all the different pieces of the puzzle of an effective and most of all actionable strategy to create my online business platform. Leslie really has changed my blogging vision and my life!"
Silvina Dell'isola

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Copyright - Become a Blogger.